3 Signs Your Furnace Is Due for Repair

December 11th, 2023
Young woman shivering during the winter season

Southern California is blessed with an abundance of warm weather throughout much of the year. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why people choose to live and vacation here. Homeowners tend to rely on their air conditioners much more than their furnaces. 

But that doesn’t mean you can get by without having a reliable heating system. When the weather turns chilly, there’s nothing worse than being unprepared for the cold spell than realizing you need furnace repair for an uncooperative heating system.

From a furnace that doesn’t blow warm air, to one that’s short cycling, let’s look at 3 signs your furnace needs some TLC from the Command Comfort team.

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Mitsubishi Mini Split AC for Your SoCal Home

November 27th, 2023

Ductless mini splits are the perfect AC system for our SoCal climate. And when it comes to choosing a mini split manufacturer, our top choice is Mitsubishi. That’s because Mitsubishi is considered the leader in mini split system technology. 

Ductless mini splits are great for AC because they work best in mild climates like ours. They also provide both heating and cooling, eliminating the need for a separate heating system that quite honestly isn’t used as much as your AC.

Mitsubishi mini splits utilize heat pump technology but are different from ducted heat pumps in that they don’t rely on ductwork. That’s another reason why they’re so great for our area as many homes were built without ductwork. 

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3 Uncommon AC Issues You Should Know About

November 13th, 2023

Here in SoCal where you use your air conditioner throughout much of the year, most homeowners are quite familiar with the basic problem that can arise. Refrigerant leaks, frozen evaporator coils, and a heat pump that won’t switch modes are some common problems you’ve probably encountered. 

But what about the unusual issues that can spring up? Let’s go over some issues that you don’t see as often. That way, you’ll know what’s behind them and whether it warrants a call for air conditioning repair in Huntington Beach.

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What Are My Options for AC Installation?

October 16th, 2023

Is your SoCal home due for a new air conditioner? Perhaps it’s just not delivering the cooling power you need for our extended cooling season. Or perhaps it’s even worse–it’s broken down completely and the forecast calls for a heatwave.

No Orange County homeowner relishes the day when their AC system needs to be replaced. However, there is a silver lining to this cloud: there are a lot more options for air conditioners today than there were even a decade ago. There might be an option that’ll suit you much better than that old, outdated AC that’s wasting energy and driving up your utility bills.

When faced with the need for AC replacement, it’s easy to just purchase the cheapest, newest version of your previous system. But do a little more research and you may find that there’s a different type of system that’ll not only suit your needs better, but save you more money in the long run. You can stop Googling HVAC installation near me and read about those options here.

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Is a Heat Pump Good for California Homes?

October 2nd, 2023

If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner and have done some preliminary research, you might be flabbergasted by all the new terminology and systems that are available. The last time you shopped for a new AC might’ve been a decade ago, and since then, heat pumps have become very popular. 

The name “heat pump” can be confusing to people searching for an air conditioner. A heat pump doesn’t pump heat into your home. What it does is it extracts heat from the air (both in your home and outside) and “pumps” it either inside or outside. Let’s explain so you’ll know why a heat pump is a relevant search result when Googling air conditioner installation for your California home.  

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Why Choose Us?

September 20th, 2023

We know there’s a lot of HVAC contractors to choose from here in Orange County, CA. You may be wondering what sets us apart from the competition. We provide a lifetime warranty on installations, service parts, and repairs. We believe this is one of the best guarantees in the area! We’re also experts at premium zoned climate control.

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Check Out Our Blog for Advice on All Things HVAC

September 20th, 2023

Be sure to bookmark the Command Comfort blog to start learning the ins and outs of HVAC.

We’ll regularly post energy saving tips, how-to’s on troubleshooting your systems, and breakdowns on even the most complex industry related terms and concepts.

Need help now? Send us a message or get in touch today.

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Welcome to Our New Website

September 20th, 2023

Welcome to our new and improved website! We’re dedicated to serving our customers and we hope that this spiffy new site will make it easier for you to find information about us in addition to learning about all the HVAC services we provide. We decided we needed a website that reflects our top-notch services and lets you know what you can expect when you hire us for a job. 

We’ve also added a blog that’ll be updated regularly with plenty of helpful information for Huntington Beach, CA homeowners. It’ll feature useful information such as tips on how to get the best performance from your AC system, when to change your air filter, and recommendations for when it’s time for a system upgrade. Bookmark our new site so you can find us quickly when you need expert, reliable HVAC services in Southern California.

To learn more about how iMarket Solutions, the company behind our new website, can expand your presence on the web, visit www.imarketsolutions.com.

Climate Control for Life.

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Carbon Monoxide leaks in my home What is CO poisoning and how can I prevent it?

June 30th, 2023

Most likely, you have heard of carbon monoxide. But what exactly is it? Should I be worried about it? And how do I know if my homes gas furnace is venting carbon monoxide outside of my home properly and safely?

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Virtual HVAC Service Calls. What are they and how does it work

June 16th, 2023

From the COVID-19 pandemic came panic, uncertainty, big government spending, lock downs AND… some good things also. An improved awareness of good hygiene, less traffic, great technology and of course innovations such as virtual services for your homes heating and cooling systems.

Command Comfort was among the first to not only realize that change was needed but to create and implement change. And born in March of 2020 was the Virtual HVAC Service Call. So what is a Virtual HVAC Service? And how does it work? In this article we will dive into that.

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